Bald ist Muttertag! | Fladungen Kinderfotografin

Es ist schon fast Mai und Muttertag ist bereits in zwei Wochen!  Wer hat noch kein Geschenk, oder gar noch keine Geschenkidee?  Wie wäre es mit einem tollen Foto von den Kindern?  Über so etwas freuen sich Mamas immer.  Ich biete am 4. Mai noch einige Minisessions an - 50 Euro für eine halbe Stunde und einen Abzug vom besten Foto, extra süß verpackt für Muttertag.  Einfach anrufen unter Fladungen 748355 -- es gibt nur begrenzte Plätze, also schnell buchen!

Familienbilder bei Sonnenschein | Fladungen Familienfotografin

Dieser Winter war ja mehr als nur trübe.  Wochenlang ließ sich die Sonne gar nicht sehen, und wenn, dann immer nur kurz.  Als meine Kundin N mich wegen eines Fotoshootings anrief, hatten wir bezüglich des Termins keine Wahl - es musste Ostersamstag sein.  Ihre Schwester kam aus dem hohen Norden zu Besuch und war nur einige wenige Tage in der Rhön.  Das erste Wiedersehen nach sechs Jahren!  Das musste natürlich festgehalten werden.  Die ganze Woche vor Ostern war regnerisch, es schneite sogar noch einmal, es war kalt und trübe.  Aber am Samstag, da schien die Sonne! Die beiden Schwestern hatten das Glück auf ihrer Seite.  Kein Wunder, wenn man sich diese beiden Süßen anschaut, oder?  Danke, euch beiden, es hat superviel Spaß gemacht!

Erstkommunion | Fladungen Kinderfotografin

Das Wetter war bescheiden und kalt - wochenlang.  Dann wurde es mal kurz schön und warm -- und dann wieder so richtig kalt, gerade rechtzeitig zur Erstkommunion in Fladungen.  Die Mütter besorgten warme Strumpfhosen und weiße Fleecejacken, damit ihre Mädels nicht erfrieren.  Aber rechtzeitig zum Fest kam die Sonne heraus und es wurde warm!  Es blühte zwar noch gar nichts im Garten, dafür strahlte das Kommunionskind aber um so schöner!  Alles Gute und vielen Dank, es hat riesigen Spaß gemacht!

Eine Überraschung für den Papa | A surprise for Daddy {Fladungen Kinderfotografin}

Diese Session hat so viel Spaß gemacht!  Alles musste ganz heimlich zugehen, damit der Papa, der im Untergeschoß arbeitete, auch nichts mitbekam - er sollte nämlich an seinem Geburtstag mit den Bildern überrascht werden!  Die zwei Geschwister machten ganz toll mit und die Mama ist einfach schön, oder? | This session was so much fun!  We had to be quiet as mice so that Dad, who was working downstairs, didn't hear anything - the images were intended as a birthday surprise!  The two siblings cooperated wonderfully and Mom ist just beautiful, no?

Radiant Mom | Strahlende Mama

This family shoot was so much fun. The mom is radiant and beautiful and the boys are just a hoot - and I never had a Dad so willing to do whatever I told him!  Just look at this gorgeous family - and they are now going to welcome a little girl to the all-boys-club.  Lucky Mom.  The boys can't wait to meet their little sister, and neither can the parents.  Only eight more weeks to go!  | Mit dieser Familie hatte ich so viel Spaß!  Mama ist strahlend schön und die Jungs sind einfach klasse - und ich hatte noch nie einen Papa, der so willig alles mitgemacht hat, was mir so einfiel.  Vielen Dank!  In nur acht Wochen wird diese lustige Familie ein kleines Mädchen willkommen heißen - die Jungs können es kaum erwarten und die Eltern natürlich auch nicht.  Alles Gute und viel Glück!

Sweet Baby M

Was für eine süße Maus!  In M habe ich mich sofort verliebt - sie ist aber auch zum Anbeißen, oder?  Außerdem war das Arbeiten mit ihr superleicht, und die Eltern waren unkompliziert und bereit zu jedem Spaß.  Diese Augen!  Ich freue mich schon auf nächstes Jahr zum ersten Geburtstag. ;-) This baby stole my heart.  She's so sweet and content and she was very easy to work with.  Maybe she has that from her parents who were just the most uncomplicated, willing, and cheerful clients ever.  Also, look at those eyes!  Simply amazing.  Thank you for a great session I will always remember fondly!


This is our life

One of the reasons that I carry my (heavy!) camera everywhere is that I want to document my children's daily lives.  Not only the milestones, birthdays, and holidays.  No, those little moments that happen every day.  The way my son's nose crinkles when I give him a long copywork assignment.  The joy my daughter radiates when she jumps on the trampoline.  The rapt attention my kids display when their dad breaks out his precious Schleich figurines and stages an impromptu stage fight between Arnold The Barbarian, d'Artagnan, Anne Bonnie, and The Toxic Komodo. Everybody can do that, and you don't need a big camera for it, either.  Your smartphone will do nicely (only me, I don't have a smartphone).    The trick is to remember.  It only takes a few seconds.  The moment passes quickly.  But when you remember, and you capture those moments....  ah.


Chris Orwig Exercise 9 {Your Portrait}

This week we are all over the experience of being photographed.  I think this is one of the most important exercises in this series.  If you don't know how it feels to be in front of the camera, you will have a hard time developing the sort of empathy you need to make people - especially moms - feel comfortable while being photographed.  And let me tell you one thing: if you are not comfortable, it WILL show. A few weeks back, I had the great opportunity to be photographed by not one, not two, but three of my favorite photographers.  How lucky am I!  We were all in New York City, meeting for a photography retreat, and as part of our shooting exercise we had two of us volunteer our families and ourselves to be photographed.

At this point in time, I had been traveling with my family for over four weeks.  Our clothes were all dirty, and I hadn't brought anything nice to begin with.  I showed up for the meeting in old clothing, without any makeup on.  My roots were showing. I simply had forgotten that morning when I left the hotel for my friend Jen's apartment that I was to be photographed later that SAME day.  In an abstract way, I knew, of course.  I suppose I suppressed it or I would have never left the hotel that morning, in my old ratty jeans that were the only pair of pants I had brought on this trip.   When I then saw my friend Jen, beautifully made up with shiny hair and perfect makeup, her kids' clothing color-coordinated but not too matched... I knew our shoot was only going to be a catastrophe.

Here's a secret:  I have body issues.  Also, baby fat that is still with me three years after Leah's birth.  I often look tired and haggard due to too many sleepless nights and too little water drinking.  I have a double chin.  I hate being in front of the camera because I cannot control how I look.  I don't know which way to turn or whether I look better from the left or the right.  I start making faces, fidgeting, biting my teeth... all of which looks horrible, of course.

So, I didn't expect anything good at all.  Also, when we arrived at the location - beautiful Bethesda Fountain in Grand Central Park, a wonderful suggestion by Leslie - my family was already waiting and had to wait for another 45 minutes since we photographed Jen and her family first.  At this point, I saw this all falling apart.  There was no way my kids could hold it together for so long, I was frazzled and hot, and ready to call it quits.

But I didn't.

As we got the kids together, and I surreptitiously wiped at my daughter's jeans which were covered with mud, I did something that is really hard for me to do when cameras are around: I surrendered control.  The first ten minutes, I just watched my friends photograph my kids, and miracle of miracles, my kids cooperated.  They followed suggestions, offered their own suggestions, laughed, had fun.  Oh, maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all!

Then my husband and I were incorporated into the pictures and... it was fun!  Imagine that! It was exciting and thrilling, and I listened to my friends telling me to turn every which way.  And you know what?  I love the images.  All my friends have their own style, so the pictures came out very different even if it was the exact same moment from the same angle.  I got some amazing shots out of this session, the muddy knees didn't feature too prominently, and in the close-ups, my wonderful friends did cover up the roots a bit.

I learned a lot that day.  I also learned a lot that I do differently now in my own shoots.  I angle my subjects, make them lean forward to get rid of double chins, bend those limbs and keep the arms away from the body.

I learned that when you get those images, and they are lovely, it makes your day.  It's such a joy to receive beautiful images of yourself and your family.  It's a gift.  I love my job all the more for that in particular.

So, a big thank you to Elaine, Leslie, and Noelle.  You are my rocking ladies!  Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the gift of my photos.  I shall treasure them, and what you taught me that day, forever.

 by Elaine Janet


by Binkies + Noseprints Photography

by Noelle Soroka Photography


Don't forget to check out their blogs and websites for amazing results:

Binkies + Noseprints Abbey Road Designs GSG Photography Elaine Janet What Eyes See Daily DC Group -- the results of those members without a blog are posted here

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Adorable Baby E

I was busy lately.  Here is another session I shot recently - adorable Baby E.  He is a real fighter!  He was born two months early and look at him, you wouldn't be able to tell.  His "birthday" was only a few days ago but it was born in December.  His parents are the best-looking sleep-deprived new parents I've ever seen. Thanks for this awesome session!

Dendrariu Park Session

For this session, we started at the family's house and then proceeded to Dendrariu Park in Chisinau.  This young man has just mastered walking and would not be still for a minute - he was a real challenge to capture.  He's also very funny and his Mom and Dad are adoring and beautiful parents.  We got a beautiful walk in the fall foliage and a photo shoot in one. Diese Sitzung haben wir im Haus der Familie C begonnen und sind dann aber im wunderschön herbstlichen Dendrariu-Park gelandet.  Der junge Mann