This is our life
One of the reasons that I carry my (heavy!) camera everywhere is that I want to document my children's daily lives. Not only the milestones, birthdays, and holidays. No, those little moments that happen every day. The way my son's nose crinkles when I give him a long copywork assignment. The joy my daughter radiates when she jumps on the trampoline. The rapt attention my kids display when their dad breaks out his precious Schleich figurines and stages an impromptu stage fight between Arnold The Barbarian, d'Artagnan, Anne Bonnie, and The Toxic Komodo. Everybody can do that, and you don't need a big camera for it, either. Your smartphone will do nicely (only me, I don't have a smartphone). The trick is to remember. It only takes a few seconds. The moment passes quickly. But when you remember, and you capture those moments.... ah.