Craft fair
We had planned to go to Romit today. As this was out (due to the man hunt going on, check the news), we wanted to go hiking in the Fan Mountains. That also got cancelled because the roads in and out of Dushanbe are blocked. So we decided to try the craft fair at the Ismaili Center instead.
The Ismaili Center is not easy to find. The various maps told us it was close to the Flagpole but no, it's actually past the river and past the stadium. We rescued some MSF friends who were walking around in the same wrong neighborhood as we were, and together we managed to find the right location.
The Isamili Center is very tranquil. Well, not today, because it was bustling with vendors and musicians and artists, but the building is vast with quiet, strong lines that sooth the mind, and water features all around that make you want to just sit and rest under the trees.
Artists from around Dushanbe displayed combs, suzanis, leather goods, carvings, and so much more. There was a fashion show in the courtyard and henna paintings for little girls. We strolled around the building, met a surprising amount of friends (it seemed like all the expats were out at the center today), ate some yummy food, and enjoyed being out of the house.
Henna patterns and blossom
I'm bored.
Dial 01 and how to deal with fire in Russian - it looks like from the 50s but I think it's new.
Russian hat, or so we believe, and plane pins - one happy boy
The husband brings me coffee - I love him so.