What happened!
Goodness me, I have a blog.
I know. I'm sorry. So much has happened and it turns out I'm not Supermom after all and the day has only 24 hours. Oh, well.
We left Kosovo in June, a bit surprisingly (but not really). We had a fabulous vacation in the US where we ran a 5K in Nashville (all kids ran under 45 minutes!), spent time with friends and relatives galore, and relaxed. We had a whirlwind day of packing and sending our move from Kosovo to Germany. We spent six weeks drilling Alan in French and trying to squish our things into our much too little house. And David got new glasses. We went to Denmark to catch a few days at the beach. We put the kids into school, Leah had her first day of school complete with giant cone of sweets, and then changed our minds and left for the US. We're back in Germany for the holidays and because our house sprang a leak in the basement. And who the hell knows what's coming next because we surely don't.
What a second half of the year, indeed. I shall catch up with a few images, and then we go on, pretending I never neglected this blog, okay? Well, then.
Happiness is access to a pool.
Because my kids are water rats.
Elisa and Brian competing over who gets to be the coolest cousin. Not sure who won but they both outdid themselves!
Franklin, TN
We did it!
And all the kids got medals.
AND Auntie Pam has a pool. Never wanting to leave again, ever!
Adventure Science Museum, Nashville
Walking in Bethesda, MD
Packing up in Kosovo
Beautiful Denmark
First day of school -- with cowboy boots!
Halloween in Bethesda
S'mores in Florida!
More pool time in Florida
Happy Holidays!