Chris Orwig - Exercise 7 {Descriptive Portraits}
The 7th installment? This clearly means I'm bad at blogging while traveling. I did take a lot of photos with the assignments in mind, though, so that I can catch up once I get back home. Which, incidentally, I am - so here we go. Let's start with the one that was due yesterday. It makes me feel better when I am starting with the not-so-late one. Read here at Leslie's blog about the objective: Making 10 descriptive portraits based on inspiration from the written word.
A while ago, the kids and I read "The Saturdays" by Elizabeth Enright. It's a story about four kids (so right there, that resonated with us) living in New York City and their adventures in the city. The book is set back in the good old days, in the 1930s. Later in the story, the kids go on vacation at the seashore and stay in an old lighthouse. What could be better? My kids were green with envy.
A few weeks ago, we went to St. Augustine in Florida, and while I couldn't find a lighthouse to stay in, we did get a beach cottage for two days. My children adore the beach. Nothing tops the beach, nothing. I shot their pictures with the quoted paragraph in mind. I hope we are creating childhood memories just like that!
10 portraits (the word "portrait" applied rather loosely, I confess):
As always, don't forget to go to these blogs and read their take on today's exercise:
Binkies + Noseprints Abbey Road Designs GSG Photography Elaine Janet What Eyes See Daily DC Group -- the results of those members without a blog are posted here